Battle God Tripod
Plot Summary: Joutarou Kuujou and his allies have finally made it to Egypt, where the immortal Dio awaits. Upon their arrival, the group gains a new comrade: Iggy, a mutt who wields the Stand "The Fool." It's not all good news however, as standing in their path is a new group of Stand users who serve Dio, each with a Stand representative of an ancient Egyptian god. As their final battle approaches, it is a race against time to break Joutarou's mother free from her curse and end Dio's reign of terror over the Joestar family once and for all. (Source: MAL Rewrite)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Ranked: 170
Popularity: 171
Score: 8.22
Age: 17+ (violence & profanity)
Released: 2022
Episodes: 15
Status: Ongoing
Other name: Zhanding, 战鼎