Ayatsuri Sakon
Plot Summary: The dark-haired bishounen is Sakon Tachibana, a puppeteer, and the other is Ukon, his favorite puppet and best friend. Sakon is the (only) grandson of Saemon Tachibana, a national treasure of Japan famous for his manipulation of Bunraku puppets. Ukon is a child doll puppet made in the early Meiji era by the famous female dollmaker Unosuke. Together they run into murders and solve them. (Source: AnimeNfo)
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Type: TV Series
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Ranked: 4098
Popularity: 5708
Score: 7.16
Age: 17+ (violence & profanity)
Released: 1999
Episodes: 26
Status: Completed
Other name: Ayatsuri Sakon, Ningyou Zoushi Ayatsuri Sakon, Puppet Master Sakon, Tales of Puppetmaster Sakon, 人形草紙あやつり左近