Astral Pet Store
Plot Summary: The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 12-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young. A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island. (Source: FUNimation)
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Type: CM
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen
Ranked: 8024
Popularity: 1627
Score: 6.56
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2024
Episodes: 30
Status: Ongoing
Other name: Astral Pet Store, Chao Shen Chong Shou Dian, Chāo Shén Chǒng Shòu Diàn, Cửa hàng sủng thú siêu thần, Super God Pet Shop, 超神宠兽店, 超神級テイマーに転生した俺が魔力で殲滅無双する