Against the Sky Supreme
Plot Summary: The entire universe is divided into the inner universe and the outer universe. The two universes are enemies of each other. The outer universe is ruled by demons, and the inner universe is divided into The Realm of gods, the Eternal Realm, and the Mortal Realm. In the universe, there are countless mortal worlds like the Tianfa Continent, and they are collectively referred to as the Jiutian Xin Region. In the field of Jiutian Xin, nine immortal emperors commanded all star fields in nine layers. Above the nine heavens is the realm of purification of immortal gods. (Source: AnimeXin)
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Type: ONA
Genre: Martial Arts, Super Power
Ranked: Not ranked yet
Popularity: 13757
Score: 0.00
Age: Teens 13 or older
Released: 2021
Episodes: 356
Status: Ongoing
Other name: 逆天至尊